Painting Series:Don't Shed No Tears
Media:Polyvinyl Paint
Painting Method:Airbrush/Glazed Layers
Substrate:30"x40" Stretched Canvas
Signed Prints/Edition 200:22 Available
Past Exhibitions:Gallery, Museum Traveling Exhibition
The story behind the image:Pride, fear, and strength of character were all quite evident in this subject.
There are many videos and photographs in existance which expose the evils of the Ethiopian government carrying out acts of extreme violence against its citizens i.e. deadly beatings, locking and burning occupied buildings. Exposure of these films would end with more innocents brutally tortured and killed without intervention from the international community.
"Somewhere during the process of painting, Peterson imbues something of himself into the work. Devoid of any human presence, his locations are ripe for ghosts, the atmosphere heavy with unassuaged yearning."
Rik Rawling - Keep it Hyperreal